Entries by Tompkins Orthodontics

How Do Braces Straighten the Teeth?  

Braces are orthodontic devices designed to correct crooked and overcrowded teeth, as well as malocclusion, which is a misaligned jaw. Although most patients receiving braces are adolescents, with the numerous options available, adults are choosing to address their orthodontic issues with braces, now more than ever before. Many times, people ask how braces straighten the […]

How to Correct an Underbite   

Do you have an underbite affecting your appearance or causing other dental problems? If so, now is the time to visit your orthodontist in Columbia, SC. An orthodontist will assess your underbite and recommend a corrective treatment option that’s right for you. What Is an Underbite? An underbite, or malocclusion, happens when your lower teeth […]

How Long do the Effects of Braces Last?

Are you about to get new braces in Columbia, SC? Or, maybe it’s almost time to have your braces removed? Either way, you may be wondering how long the effects of your braces will last. You already know what to expect from your restored alignment, since your orthodontist explained it to you. But it would be […]